Many people wonder what kind of personality that they have. One of the most influential personality tests has been those based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, better known as the MBTI.*
The MBTI system was developed in the 1940s by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs in the United States. The mother-and-daughter duo believed that conflicts among people occurred because of differences in personalities. Influenced by the theories of German psychologist Carl Jung, they constructed a system to help people identify and understand each other’s personality traits.
According to the MBTI system, people can be categorized into 16 distinct personality types. Each person’s personality type is identified by answering a series of 93 questions. Through the questionnaire, the MBTI analyzes various traits, including how the person gathers information, how they deal with the outside world, and how emotional they tend to be.
Finally, the MBTI determines the specific personality type of the respondent, given by a four letter code. Also, each personality type is named for the kind of work that this person may be suited for.
For instance, an introverted and logical person may be categorized as ISTJ, or the Inspector. They may be suited for work that is very structured and requires planning. On the other hand, ENTJ, or the Commander, is outgoing and future-oriented. People of this personality type are thought to have good leadership skills.
Myers and Briggs, however, said that all MBTI personality types had equal value. By recognizing each other’s differences, they hoped people could work together in greater harmony.
In the second half of the 20th century, the MBTI became widely used by individuals and organizations throughout the world. Even today, it is still seen as a useful instrument to gain insight into personalities.
* MBTI (일상생활에 활용할 수 있도록 고안된 자기보고식 성격유형지표)